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80s Movies
Mr and Bride of Boogedy DVD 1986 1987 Kristy Swanson Richard Masur
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DVD created * ON DEMAND * Using a Top Quality DVD R Disc - No Artwork or DVD Case included
100% ALL NEW Digital Transfer - A/V Quality 8.5/10 - Best Available Transfer For This Film!
BOTH BOOGEDY Movies on 1 DVD R Disc !
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Mr. Boogedy & Bride of Boogendy on DVD 1986 and 1987
DVD Synopsis and information:
Mr. Boogedy 1986
A father moves his clan into a new home that has a bit of a bump in the night history attached to it. Once the group moves in they quickly find out that the house is haunted and has a ghostly history going back some 300 years. Boogedy is one of the most requested titles from the Disney vault. This made for TV spook tale romp has a lot charm and plenty of kid friendly scares that are great for the whole family on Halloween or any time of year. Nostalgia and just plain ol' fun and good times is why we love movies like Mr. Boogedy DVD.
Disney hit another spooky home run with this funny and slightly scary movie. Both are really cool family fun and slightly scary movies that the kids and grownups will enjoy for years to come. This is must own family fun kid friendly scary movie for all to enjoy. Disney hit a home run with the two Boogedy films! Mr. Boogedy DVD and Bride Of Boogedy DVD are bother terrific films for the whole family to enjoy, especially at Halloween. At Halloween or anytime of year treat you and your family to a wonderful Disney Made For TV Classic in Mr. Boogedy DVD and Bride of Boogedy DVD.
The Mr. Boogedy DVD movies continue to hold up well and offer a great and family friendly ghost story for families to enjoy. These are really fun Disney TV movies that continue to entertain after 25+ years. Mr Boogedy DVD and Bride of Boogedy DVD are an excellent pair to watch any time of year but especially around Halloween. Boogedy DVD movies continue to entertain to this day and are terrific Halloween movies for the whole family.
Mr Boogedy DVD and Bride of Boogedy DVD are both seminal favorites for Halloween. Mr. Boogedy DVD and the accompanying Bride Of Boogedy DVD are both super fun 80s family movies. Boogedy DVD Mr Boogedy DVD along with Bride Of Boogedy DVD are bother terrific ways to enjoy Disney Halloween on DVD. Mr Boogedy DVD and Bride of Boogedy DVD remain fantastic Halloween movies for the whole family. Own both of these Disney TV classic family Halloween movies
Mr Boogedy DVD and Bride of Boogedy DVD
today. Mr. Boogedy DVD and Bride of Boogedy DVD remain Disney family Halloween 80s classics.
The effects were pretty low rate back when these was made but it really adds a special charm to the films. At Halloween these are especially fun for the little ones but these two movies can be enjoyed safely at any time of the year. Disney fans of Halloween specials will want to be sure to have this movie on tap for the spooky treats kids enjoy on October 31st each year. If you remember being a kid and curling up on the sofa with some popcorn and watching Boogedy with a huge grin on your face than this is must own. Grab the kids (or not), turn down the lights and get ready to chuckle and smile. This is a super family fun TV movie from Disney that encapsulates the spirit of fun ghosts and Halloween. Halloween is the best time to enjoy the Boogedy movies but anytime also works too. The Boogedy DVD films are spooky and fun, great for the kids too! Both of these Disney Halloween TV movies are super fun and great to watch in October with the entire family.
Director: Oz Scott
Writer: Michael Janover
Stars: Richard Masur, Mimi Kennedy and David Faustino
Original Air Date: 20 April 1986
Bride Of Boogedy 1987
A family with a great love for practical jokes is haunted by the family ghost Mr. Boogedy.
Director: Oz Scott
Writer: Michael Janover
Stars: Richard Masur, Mimi Kennedy and Tammy Lauren
Original Air Date: 12 April 1987
Mr. Boogedy 1986 Teaser
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